Monday, November 2, 2009

mtn hoodrat


oh word? So today I decided to make a quik trip up to mountain high...git ma shred know the the deal. Since that dirty italian sam couldnt get the day off i drove up solo, and got there around 9....the first few hrs were good times just gettin ma john denver on and enjoying the scenery.

After some time the good people at ASHBURY decided to grace the mtn with their presence....

heres nima with a early day 5-0

lance with a regs 180 to switch 5-0

then lance brought out the camera too blog:

the best frontboard in snowboarding:

desiree backtail:

caught lance fronting:

which Nima backed up with a 270 to FB:

and thats all... Tons more shredding went down but it was too fun to take pictures all day...till next time!

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