Sunday, January 4, 2009

rootbeer floater...foto post

Yooo... my title has nothing to do with anything...just thot it sounded kewl, wich it doesnt.
Anyways i forgot to mention that Sean Kankersor got me a fish to replace JD...i was skeptical about writing anything about it or even naming it because my luck with fish hasnt been going too well. anyways here is that bitch..

You guessed it...its a sucker fish people only buy them cause they suck. Anyways I ended up naming it Ashton...short for Ashton Kutcher cause the son-of-a-B played dead(punk'd) more than sean ski's...wich is a lot. OK so sean got this fish cause he felt bad for killing jd..Wich i thot was a nice gesture. Well i think that Ashton killed bergy therefore sean killed both my fish. Haha
Ok ok OK fuck that shit fuck that shit.... Ashton soon met his creator because after bergy died there was nothing left to clean in the tank
Name of the Departed: AShton
Cause of Death: Killed his food source and over all EMO-Ness.

Next question... Or shall i say next blog entry without title. It was the holiday season and it was just sean and i ( homo no!) cause blake went back to sascatchacoonanoon utah to celebrate with the fam bam. Anyways woke up x mas morning opened the box my mommy sent me and was stoked to see my plane ticket to SF , a heat blanket and other goodies suplied mostly from mom padre...thanks!!!!
New years came around...i wrote a book on what i did on new years here it is:
NEW YEARS 09 by white money aka b walt:
Alone at home bottle of jack in the left hand razor blade on the right....the end
ur right it was a shitty book but it was also a shitty new years...sean white and i were both bueno

BEEP BEEP BEEP back the truck up...dec 30th was my 37th birthday a day which i thot was going to suck because i had to work in the morning, but it acutally ended up being a great night. Blake lewy and sean and Sven and Maddi? all took me out to StoneBridge? i think thats the name. whatever it was, i was stoked... sven and I shared this masterpiece of a pizza:

Even Blake and Shay dub got down on some pool...sean lost ov course..while lewy sweet talked some little kid..and was coaching him on life:

This is a Picture of Blakes brother Sven...i dont personally know the parents of these young gents...but they must be rad cause they produced some pretty stand up human beings?

Anyways as the night progressed it became a great time to share a few man sodas with the bros:

especially this bro:

The night at the restaurant ended with a sweet tasting teramisu? dont know how to spell it ut it was dammmmn good:

ahhhh that was we left blake flexed for me...i like homo:

the whole night we rolled in class no biggie:

knock knock! whos there? RAT TAIL: BAM!

the later the night became the weirder it is blake being sean:

after becoming gangsters we went bowling at some scary place but blake shined like gold in the sun?

more bowling sean maddie and flake

Shaun Mad-eye and Plake all had a bet goin on who would win and since I won the first round we had to go for a round wich blake won that round and took a modest photo to rub in Seans fayce:

peace out bros:

thanks again to blake, sean, steven, maddy for making me not a loser on my b day: And also gracias to all who wished me a happy b-day and bergnar and nana for sending me cards out in the boondocks of salt lake:

Check back soon...Ill have some fotos of the snowboard park bein built in our backyard..Ciao