Monday, February 1, 2010

Under a spell of ZOO-DOO

Oh what!!!! its funny..i was just walking by and noticed that u were lookin at this I hopped on my I-PAD and decided to make a new post.

This past sunday, boredom struck like the gold rush did in 1847, and with prior talks of hitting up the Los Angeles Zoo, we decided...FUQ it.

So SAM, B-Kauf and myself hopped in the cleanest tahoe in Bro-Cal:

and drove over to the Los Angeles ZOO:

We couldn't believe our eyes when we saw a zig-zag line formation to get into the place. But after about 20 mins of shit talking we handed the lady $13 and in return we received this:

and c-walked our white asses into the joint.
After some animal watching the bro's decided that life is only fun while under the influence of a controlled substance....i didnt agree but they got some man sodas anyways:

Sam even said he felt like a creeper walking around a children filled zoo with a brew..but he didnt giva FUH
This is trying to make him a hipster:

Here are a couple of aminal fotos:

Now i know what you are thinking. " damn went all the way to the zoo and took 3 maybe 4 crappy fotos of some boring animals"... and I couldnt agree more.
The reality of this is that im trying to stay away from taking digital pictures only. So you guessed it..i brought the Beast camera
Polaroid 103 and shot away. Most arent that cool but whatever..i had fun. Especially when a few people asked me where i got it? Does it work?...can i have your number?
and so on and so forth....

Anyways when I wasn't bumming on the fact that we have exotic creatures caged up rather than out in the world roaming ( i know some hippy in the Arizona wilderness will get what i mean) i managed to pack film it up..

So here is a video of the camera and some still shots of the zoo day:

polaroid pack film camera 103 from ben Walters on Vimeo.

as always...get out and live. Lifes short.. carpe diem... or...sit inside and play video games all day...frankly..i dont give a shit.


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