at cafe rio..then headed back to the house and caught up on old times. Hit the hay. The next morning dirty, sean, blake and I headed up to park city. It was fun weather was a lil cold but we still slashed around. After a few hrs and some colisions between d ray and blind people we headed off to Davanzas for some eats. Next day i had work but when i got off we rolled over to the joint aka Stoneground and had some bomb ass food. Saturday i drove D to downtown shmalt lake and just cruised the big building area and then cruised to Rumbi and got some smooth eats, Headed back to the casa and then the night began. We were drinking some keystones as usual and even my friend from elementary school stopped by to share a night of interesting events with us. A few shots of french alch and we were off. I wont disclose information about where we went cause i'd rather not say.. all i can say was that the place was pretty gay...haha. Um yea funny story... i noticed d ray was dancing with this girl but he had his hands in his pockets. He then stopped dancing with her and came to my vacinity so i asked him why his hands were in his pockets... he replied " man there is no way that girls 18...she looks 14" so we laughed and proceeded to dance to thump music...we then leave the bar and i see d ray asking the girl for proof of age.. so the girl pulls out her ID and d rays calms for a sec... she then tells him that she'll be in LBC and gives him her number... d ray almost right infront of her face throws the number on the ground and walks away.. sooooo funny. Um well ok i'm not gonna sugar coat it... i had way to much to drink that night... and well that Rumbi lunch that d ray and i had erlier in the day...ended up on both the I-80 freeway and blakes truck (sorry mate) anywhoot our plan was to snowboard on that sunday before d ray departed.. we'll that didnt happen cause we were both feeling the effects of the night before..Umm yea this is getting long. Bottom line top line middle line whatever (i never got that expression) D ray coming to Utah was something i deffinetly needed. It can be weird at times not being surrounded by ur best friends but anyways thanks dirty for rollin out twas ignant! heres a video kinda of thing from the trip ...PEACE:
Dray visits salt lake from ben Walters on Vimeo.
1 comment:
they have clubs in utah?
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