Monday, November 3, 2008

Coby Karl

Somedays you wake up and you look outside to see sunshine and immediately there is a smile on your face. Other days you wake up to rain clouds and falling leaves. Today was one of those gloomy days..and just when i thought it couldnt get any worse...i learned that the Lakers Organization cut the only good thing goin for them other than having the best damn team on the planet...he goes by the name of Coby Karl

Dear Coby: I love you...the END
Speaking of boy KOBE BRYANT is the shit... dont worry haters...hes better than you at basketball...hell i bet if he picked up chess he'd outplay you get to talkin all ur ish on how Kobe aint shit...because if i've learned one thing in 22 years of life...its that facts out-weigh opinion ... the facts are there..KOBE owns all

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