Monday, September 27, 2010

MoPed.. Mo Pu..

Oh shit.. shake that ass.. now move it like a gypsy?

Yo players!

Ive been so damn busy with dance instructing, school, work, dexter-ing ... that i forgot all about this damn thing

Last winter I bought a Puch Magnum for a pretty legit price. I know I got it for a good price because when i listed it on craigslist.. i had 10+ offers for over double what I paid for. Which got me to thinking.. F- selling this and finally finish something you've started.

now thats what it looked like for the most part when I bought it from some shiesty mo fugga in riverside.

I rode it from time to time, but the best thing was that I wouldnt ride or touch it for like the months.. walk into the garage and kick the crank.. and it would fire up first go.

Anyways so now im stoked on trying to get it to look how I always wanted it too...

here are some fotos of the mission:

ok check back soon. hopefully I will have the tank in motion and possibly painted.. bow chica bow wow

p.s. i know , D-ray....this wasnt a banger post