Tuesday, June 15, 2010


At times we adults get caught up in lives that we thought we'd never live. By the time we turn 18 we forget about the power of simplicity and focus more and more on work and/or school. Is that to say we have forgotten about what really matters? No... we just at times need a pick me up to help us realize what makes us thrive and happy in the worst of times.
As children just about anything makes us happy. From fluttering butterflies too pouring rain. Everything is new and everything holds beauty. The clouds of maturity and influence of others leeds us to believe that we must grow away from the adolescent mind. I say dont..
Forget the opinions of modern society and live your life the way you want it to be lived. Laugh at things that strike you as funny but also find humor in things most people would describe as unbearable. WE sometimes forget that we can regulate what makes us happy and what makes us sad.
My past month has been shit.....on different levels that has sent me into bed with the cousin of depression ( he's twice adopted and 3 times re-mairried..long story) For many reasons no one knows about, but at the end of each day i come to realize more and more that i let even the small things turn my world upside down. Many are over-reactions.. ill be the first to admit that I over analyze every single thing that i do.. and my at times arrogant conscience takes over my thought process... i dont like it.. if anyone has the cure send it my way..

Sorry that was quite the rant..

Anyways that was sparked because over the past weekend ive been around children ( non creeper) and i've come to see how much happiness lies within. 1 minute they could be crying after taking a table corner to the forehead.. and the next they could be laughing at the sight of ball rolling on the hardwood floor.. anyways here are some kid polars of My cousin tiffanys daughter evy:

and some more of just i dunno.. simple things..

bottom line.. enjoi life..no one knows how long you'll be here

maybe throw on some tunes

puff an ounce of crack and call it a day.. im out

Saturday, June 12, 2010

recent roids

Im starting to feel normal again..so ima start it off with some roids...enjoy

Happy b-day monezzz.. and im out