Nikon Lite Touch35mm point and shoot camera at a thrift store in Burbank for only 5$. Anyways i did some research and learned that its a relatively sought after little camera, so i decided to give it a whirl.
In all honesty, I wasnt too impressed with this camera. Most of the shots were out of focus, and just not all that clear in general. Nikon nailed it with the design of this camera tho. It fits like a glove in hand. Only downside is for some reason when I try and compose a quick shot through the viewfinder my eye isnt quick enough to find it. Now I wont be entirely negative about this little camera that-semi-could. Too be honest.. i love the panoramic ability of it. Matter of fact I should just super glue it on pano because those shots i got with it i was actually impressed with:
and here is the only shot that came out semi ok in standard frame. The foto's aite but the creeper in it is another story:
Question is .. should you buy it?
The answer is if you can find it for less that $10... i say yes, but only shoot in panorama mode, you'll like the way they come out.
So far with al the point and shoots ive been using I've really enjoyed the Olympus Stylus EPIC and the Pentax UC-1. they both are awsome cameras, and although I am still searching for the Yashica T4 i would like to explain that i came pretty close by picking up a Yashica t2 with carl ziess lens. It was $2.75, but the battery for it was almost $15.. sheeeesh. Oh and once i got the battery in it.. the damn thing didnt work. FUH!
have a good one. bros and bro-dets
1 comment:
Aaaamazing panoramic shots. I still remain your biggest fan :) also the photo of your pops is too good. Love the headphones!
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