Monday, May 17, 2010


So i had a canon 35mm camera filled with Delta 100 b&w film and decided to take it to get it developed today. My blog has been lacking actual content for quite some time so i figure kill 2 birds with 1 stone.. Get some film developed and have inspiration to write about something.
Anyways, so i drove my moto down to CVS in montrose handed my roll to the guy..
1 hour? yes

Glossy or matte? Matte

Singles: Yes

Want a photo cd? No

And then exited the store with a receipt that said; Pickup at 4:01 pm. So i left my house a lil after that just for a safety cushion.

I get there... and hand the photo guy my pick-up-paper and he looks at me with a smirk.

" man something happened.. we should have told you when you dropped it off..but our developer doesn't produce professional grade film"

me: " so what are you saying"

dude " Your film is didn't develop"

Now Ive had a pretty bad 2 weeks.. this was just icing on the cake, but for some-reason i didn't get too heated

That was until the fucker scanned my receipt and said $11.50 please. I looked at him as if he spit in my face then asked for a favor.

"i'm sorry.. $11.50 for what?"

" well we took the time to attempt to develop your roll... so for the work done $11.50"

me : " so let me get this right... you want me to pay you for ruining my roll of $7.00 film"

dude " well we tried to develop it"

Me: " thanks for your time" and walked out

What has come of this world...

The guy was lucky that i've become a non violent man these days...because otherwise i woulda ripped his pony-tail out and beat the living shit out of him with it.

What if these were pictures of who shot jfk.. or tiger woods having group sex ... i would be heated.. I still am.. for the fotos burned into that film are memories i cant relive through visuals... thanks CVS

1 comment:

Jon said...

Almost 10 years ago i had a bad experience with target developing my film. Since then i swore never to use places like that. Highschool dropouts are not going to handle your film right. I commend you for not resorting to violence. You're clearly a better man than me.

Are you familiar with samy's in Pasadena? They'll probably cost more and take more than an hour but your film won't be destroyed.